Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Who Murdered Ukraine’s First and influential Oligarch and his wife in 1996 and Why - His Son Speaks Out

He was assassinated while Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia! Putin the Terrible back then was professionally active in Saint Petersburg after his KGB career.

The article remains vague on the individuals involved and the background of the assassination!

"On Nov. 3, 1996, Yevhen Shcherban, a Ukrainian lawmaker, one of the leaders of the newly formed Liberal Party, a top businessman, one of the wealthiest individuals in the country, and a prominent figure among the “Donetsk elite,” was assassinated at Donetsk Airport along with his wife Nadiya. ...

The man who dreamed of attracting investment and creating a thriving national business environment was killed by hitmen from Moscow. However, the investigation ended once the killers were identified, but various individuals were later implicated. ...

We spoke with Yevhen Shcherban [junior], the son of the slain entrepreneur, who has been conducting his investigation into his father's murder for over 10 years. ..."

Who Murdered Ukraine’s First Oligarch and Why - His Son Speaks Out "Yevhen Shcherban’s son discusses new details of his father’s murder, the world view of Ukraine’s foremost entrepreneur at the time, Russia’s role, and why his assassination was a game changer"

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