Friday, November 22, 2024

In search of natural resources within China, China plans $1 billion, 6-year geoscience survey

This is gigantic! What will we learn from this survey? Looking forward to it!

"China is setting out to chart an exquisitely detailed subterranean atlas across the country’s vast expanse. The $1 billion, 6-year survey, which will involve thousands of researchers from scores of institutions, is motivated not only by the nation’s hunger for natural resources, but also by fundamental science questions, including long-standing puzzles about India’s slow-motion collision with Eurasia and the rise of the Tibetan Plateau. ...

Beginning in early 2025, researchers plan to deploy thousands of instruments and drill holes to record-setting depths, all with the goal of creating a 3D map of the rock layers kilometers below the surface. The scope of SinoProbe II—successor to SinoProbe I, a coarser survey that ran from 2008–16 ..."

In search of natural riches, China plans $1 billion geoscience survey | Science | AAAS "Massive SinoProbe II project will probe the depths with drill rigs and a countrywide deployment of instrument."

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