Monday, November 25, 2024

After watching Ukraine, Central Asian nations 'turning away' from Russia for arms

Putin the Terrible and his inferior weapons! 

Quite possibly, the Russo-Ukrainian War has exposed that Russia's latest and greatest weapons are not exactly superior or dominating on the battlefield.

"... that before the Kremlin’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, the Central Asian nations — Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan — already had been “diversifying away from Russia.” But the process has been hurried along not only by the strain the war has put on the pipeline for Russian equipment and parts, but by the view of Russia’s experience on the battlefield. ..."

After watching Ukraine, Central Asian nations 'turning away' from Russia for arms: US officials - Breaking Defense "The US has seen "very high interest" in American defense articles and services as Russia's influence wanes, a State Department official told Breaking Defense, though limited budgets mean foreign military sales will likely focus on "niche" needs of Central Asian nations."

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