Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Harvard University: Socrates — humble guy or ‘a jerk on a power trip’? Really!

The strange musings of an elite university like Harvard University! Shameful!

Even if Socrates was the greatest jerk ever. He left as with the eternal wisdom and the great reminder to be humble: I know that I know (practically) nothing! One of the sincerest and most true definitions of humility! Or to err is human!

Susanna Siegel, Edgar Pierce Professor of Philosophy: "... Take Socrates: Are his statements of humility sincere, or is he a jerk on a power trip? ..."

The Harvard Gazette "“This book comes alive to students much more easily if you give space to the interpersonal dynamics between the characters,” says philosopher Susanna Siegel."

What a jerk is this professor? (This blurry photo is her official photo)

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