Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Why this obsession with skin color in Western countries and other parts of the world?

The skin color of a human being is about the most irrelevant fact about or characteristic of a human being conceivable! This is the naked truth!

It is comparable to the very crude and primitive dichotomous thinking in categories like we versus them or friend and foe or black and white.

Thus, most references to skin color are an easily identifiable form of or an attempt of indoctrination with propaganda and demagoguery

For much too long, human progress has been  significantly impeded by the frequent abuse of skin color for ideological purposes in human history! Good riddance skin color ideology!

Thus, too many members of the so called elite and many intellectuals can thus be easily identified as stupid, lazy or dishonest or all three of them combined!

It is intellectually extremely lazy if not very primitive to dumb down complicated matters or subjects to a differences between two groups of individuals identified by their skin color (e.g. white v. black). Only fools (terrible simplificateurs) try to explain the world this banal way and feel empowered by their deeply flawed understanding of the world!

About the relation to a sense of supremacy or superiority: If history is any guide, then each major skin color (white, black, yellow) has been exploited to assert supremacy over the humans with other skin colors. Each of the major skin color was abused to claim superiority over the others often for different, but implausible reasons.

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