Thursday, August 08, 2024

The Facts About Slavery in America: Neither First, Nor Worst by John Stossel


Slavery has existed and was accepted thousands of years before 1776 (or phony 1619)! Slavery was certainly worse in other parts of the world and at other times!

The frequently repeated propaganda and demagoguery about slavery in America is disgusting!

"... “Between 10.7 million and 12 million slaves from Africa went to the New World [America and Latin America and Caribbean]. We got a little under 400,000,” ... That’s less than 4%. ...
“The extreme focus on slavery in the United States, why did that happen?” ... “One reason is that a lot of black people survived here [in America]. Slavery was harsh, but a lot less harsh than clearing the Brazilian jungle.” ...
Crime in the black community,” he says, “increased about 800% between [around] 1963 and 1993. Racism didn’t increase between 1960 and the modern era. You’re looking at the impacts of the Great Society, the welfare programs.” ..."

The Truth About Slavery: Refuting the Left's Lies

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