Sunday, August 11, 2024

Greenland was ice free before the Industrial Revolution

There is enormous hysteria and alarmism, propaganda and demagoguery going around about the melting of the ice sheet of Greenland, Antarctica etc.!

So much for the hottest July ever and all that other similar hottest ever nonsense!

Global Warming is a hoax and Climate Change is a religion!

But why was Greenland called green land? Because the Vikings discovered this lush green Island around 982 CE/AD during the Medieval Warm Period (Wikipedia claims it was given a favorable sounding name as a way to attract more settlers, which I believe is wrong or only part of the story.).

"Fossils have provided more evidence that Greenland’s ice sheet is more transient than previously thought ...

The fossilised organic matter, found at the bottom of an ice core, indicates that the centre of Greenland was ice-free at some point in the last million years. ..."

From the abstract:
"The persistence and size of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) through the Pleistocene is uncertain. This is important because reconstructing changes in the GrIS determines its contribution to sea level rise during prior warm climate periods and informs future projections. To understand better the history of Greenland’s ice, we analyzed glacial till collected in 1993 from below 3 km of ice at Summit, Greenland. The till contains plant fragments, wood, insect parts, fungi, and cosmogenic nuclides showing that the bed of the GrIS at Summit is a long-lived, stable land surface preserving a record of deposition, exposure, and interglacial ecosystems. Knowing that central Greenland was tundra-covered during the Pleistocene informs the understanding of Arctic biosphere response to deglaciation."

Fossils warn of fragile Greenland ice sheet

Fig. 1 Map, sample, and isotopic data.

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