Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Democracies Should finally Quit the UN Human Rights Council

Food for thought! Yes, I think it is high time and long overdue!

Let the autocracies and dictatorships be among themselves and run the UN HRC so the rest of the world will notice and can have a good laugh!

It is a several decades old, strange fallacy for Western democracies to believe that they can as members reform the UN HRC and positively influence the autocracies. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Caveat: I only glanced at the article, but I have a good hunch about its content.

"... Some have argued that by staying in the UNHRC, the United States can work “from the inside” to change its anti-Israel stance. But the U.S. has endured decades of anti-Israel resolutions from the UNHRC, while remaining “inside,” without being able to produce any change in its voting. The Trump administration stayed in as a council member from 2016 to 2018, but having failed to sway other council members not to vote reflexively against Israel, decided it could no longer tolerate this situation. The U.S. resigned from the UNHRC in 2018, halfway through its term, citing the “chronic bias” against Israel. ..."

Democracies Should Quit the UN Human Rights Council | Frontpage Mag "A hypocritical and dangerous agenda."

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