Saturday, August 03, 2024

Decadence, lifelong career politicians, and extreme polarization accelerate the demise or irrelevance of Western democracies

Food for thought! History waits for no one to get it on! History is littered with once mighty empires! If you don't learn the lessons of history history will rhyme if not repeat!

While authoritarian regimes like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea etc. strengthen their alliances, the West is mired in disagreement and delusional and lofty moral aspirations! 

At least the largest, nonviolent democracy in the world India is taking on more international responsibilities and is more and more assuming the role of a superpower, which is very welcome!

The Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion that has infected and messed up particularly the Western elites like the worst pandemic/addiction in decades needs to give way to much more realism and common sense again.

The extreme fringes of the left and right in Western countries seem to dominate politics in Western countries again. Especially the extreme left has advanced their takeover of academia, journalism, political discourse etc. Too many moderate Western politicians act cowardly and subservient. This is dangerous and reminds of the pre World War II era. More consensus and compromise on realistic solutions are needed!

The huge and static caste of lifelong career politicians in Western democracies and how they protect their turf and privileges has become a serious bane. More electoral competition and faster replacement of incompetent or unfit politicians is urgently needed. Term limits for elected representatives may help.

Then there is the rise of gerontocracy in Western countries is another huge problem. Just look at the U.S., where this issue has become very prominent and visible: Who is more senile and demented: Chuck Schumer (age 73), Nancy Pelosi (age 84), Mitch McConnell (age 82)  or the 46th President (age 81)? All of them display severe signs of cognitive decline!

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