Sunday, August 11, 2024

America saved the grizzlies, and now the bears are invading towns.

What happens when you put an apex predator on an endangered species list? 

Will hunters be allowed to kill grizzlies now to control the population?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions!

"An apex predator that can top 500 pounds and outrun a horse, grizzlies have made a roaring comeback since they were put on the Endangered Species List in 1975, when as few as 700 prowled the Lower 48 states. Biologists estimate the grizzly population has risen to at least 2,000, and the bears are now roaming far beyond their Glacier and Yellowstone National Park strongholds and into towns, farms and ranches across the Northern Rockies, where they hadn’t been seen in over a century. The resurgence is leading to conflicts between the bears and another apex species that had grown accustomed to life with few grizzlies—humans."

The Wall Street Journal What's news

They kind of look cute when they are not hunting you!

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