Monday, August 05, 2024

America Isn’t Ready for the Wars of the Future: And They’re Already Here

Recommendable! A clarion call! Adopt quickly or perish!

The future of war will be robots, drones, AI and autonomous weapons!

Man-powered conventional tanks and fighter planes or even aircraft carriers are like the long gone knights in shining armor. Fast outdated and obsolete.

Caveat: I did not read the whole article.

"On the battlefields of Ukraine, the future of war is quickly becoming its present. Thousands of drones fill the skies. These drones and their operators are using artificial intelligence systems to avoid obstacles and identify potential targets. AI models are also helping Ukraine predict where to strike. Thanks to these systems, Ukrainian soldiers are taking out tanks and downing planes with devastating effectiveness. Russian units find themselves under constant observation, and their communications lines are prone to enemy disruption—as are Ukraine’s. Both states are racing to develop even more advanced technologies that can counter relentless attacks and overcome their adversary’s defenses. ...
drones, along with loitering munitions (explosives designed to hover over a target) ..."

"The wars of the future “will be dominated by increasingly autonomous weapons systems and powerful algorithms,” Milley and Schmidt write. If the United States wants to remain the preeminent global power, it will have to overhaul its entire defense apparatus—and ensure that robots and AI are deployed in an ethical manner. “Washington won’t get it exactly right,” Milley and Schmidt write. “But it must get it less wrong than its enemies.”"

America Isn’t Ready for the Wars of the Future: And They’re Already Here by Mark A. Milley (former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [the guy who wanted to understand White Rage????]) and Eric Schmidt (former Google CEO Eric Schmidt)

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