How cute is that? We have humanized mice wearing VR goggles!
What kind of videos would you like to show a mouse?
"... One possible solution to overcome these challenges could be to use virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) technology to observe how mice behave and how their brain responds when they are virtually exposed to specific scenes or situations. While several research teams have been trying to develop VR goggles or headsets for mice, none of the solutions developed so far cover the animals' entire field of view, which could lead to delayed or different responses from those that the mice would have in real-world settings. ..."
"... “For the past 15 years, we have been using VR systems for mice,” ... “So far, labs have been using big computer or projection screens to surround an animal. ..."
From the significance and abstract:
• iMRSIV (Miniature Rodent Stereo Illumination VR), a new mouse VR goggle system
• iMRSIV is small and provides stereo vision and an ∼180° field of view per eye
• Mice using iMRSIV engaged in virtual behaviors more quickly than in current VR
• iMRSIV is compatible with two-photon imaging and overhead looming paradigms
Visual virtual reality (VR) systems for head-fixed mice offer advantages over real-world studies for investigating the neural circuitry underlying behavior. However, current VR approaches do not fully cover the visual field of view of mice, do not stereoscopically illuminate the binocular zone, and leave the lab frame visible. To overcome these limitations, we developed iMRSIV (Miniature Rodent Stereo Illumination VR)—VR goggles for mice. Our system is compact, separately illuminates each eye for stereo vision, and provides each eye with an ∼180° field of view, thus excluding the lab frame while accommodating saccades. Mice using iMRSIV while navigating engaged in virtual behaviors more quickly than in a current monitor-based system and displayed freezing and fleeing reactions to overhead looming stimulation. Using iMRSIV with two-photon functional imaging, we found large populations of hippocampal place cells during virtual navigation, global remapping during environment changes, and unique responses of place cell ensembles to overhead looming stimulation."
Immersive VR goggles for mice unlock new potential for brain science (Northwestern University) Goggles enabled researchers to study responses to overhead threats for first time
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