Thursday, August 01, 2024

Why is Canada not part of AUKUS?

This is indeed a curious omission! Why is Canada not part of AUKUS?

Is this perhaps because of the mediocre current Prime Minister Trudeau? It is very likely the case!

"Canada’s absence from the AUKUS trilateral security pact between fellow Five Eyes allies Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States has not gone unnoticed. But despite recent admonishments that Canada’s global security contributions are “shameful,” or claims that it has been “America’s least helpful ally,” little appears to be being done to bring Ottawa into the fold. ...
In the lead-up to the recent Washington NATO summit, the Trudeau government’s current commitment to raising defense expenditures to 1.76 percent of GDP by 2030 drew sharp criticism for falling well short of most fellow NATO members — and its alignment to the transatlantic alliance’s 20 percent spending requirement for future capabilities is even weaker. Ottawa is now facing international pressure to spend more, particularly over its shaky path to cross the NATO target of 2 percent GDP on defense spending — a number it exceeded through the early 1970s. ..."

Don't miss the boat — Canada and AUKUS should be partners - Breaking Defense "In this op-ed, Mohammed Soliman and Elliot Silverberg make the case for why Canada should be brought into AUKUS Pillar II."

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