Saturday, August 13, 2016

Paid Maternity Leave Socialism

Posted: 8/13/2016


I have seen lately several articles dealing with this subject and Hillary Rotten Clinton for Prison 2016 has it also on her agenda.

Here is a Washington Post article on this subject. Funny, that the Washington Post mentions that even socialist Cuba has a paid maternity leave.

Some Notes

  1. Why should any employer have to pay for parental leave because it has hired employees of childbearing or parenting age? Some businesses, for whatever reason, prefer to hire younger employees or perhaps more females than males, why should these businesses be affected heavier than others?
  2. Government mandated paid maternity leave and job protection distorts the labor market as well as hiring and business decisions
  3. Like minimum wage, this is a form of mandated government price and wage control
  4. Government job protection is another intervention against individual freedom. Why should a mother not decide to go back to work a few days after giving birth, perhaps on a reduced schedule?
  5. Government enforced parental leave paid for by employers is an unconstitutional violation of freedom of contract
  6. It would be another government entitlement burdening businesses
  7. Ulterior motives of government paid maternity leave are often to stimulate birth rates or to prevent population decline


If paid maternity leave is a desired outcome by a majority of people in a democracy it would have to be fully paid for by government alone through general taxes. Businesses should not or least be burdened by it.

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