Saturday, July 20, 2013

Something About Jacqueline Cochran


This is, I believe, my third blog about outstanding women in history (see here, here, and here). Jacqueline Cochran was a contemporary of Amelia Earhart, but it seems to me her history is much less known than Earhart’s, although Jacqueline’s biography as an aviator is very impressive. For brevity sake, I will not cover here her biography in detail.

Without Civil Rights Act, Sexual Harassment, And Hostile Environment

Her career did not depend on the infamous sex discrimination passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or the obscene legal theories of Sexual Harassment and Hostile environment created in the 1980s/90s basically subjecting all US businesses to federal government oversight.

I and my colleagues recently had to undergo a one hour-long required Sexual Harassment/Hostile Environment training at my current employer. I found it offensive and a harassing.

How did women like Jacqueline Cochran have such an amazing career without big government or feminism? Is it because she married a rich man, i.e. Floyd Odlum? Well this would be a sexist opinion, right? But it was somewhat similar to Amelia Earhart & George P. Putnam, who were befriended with Jacqueline Cochrane and her husband. On the other hand it was her husband who recognized Jacqueline’s talents and intelligence and supported her career. She did probably more for women in this world than any of US Congress legislative and US Supreme Court judicial excesses.

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