Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lance Armstrong - A Pyrrhic Victory By The Anti Doping Crusaders

 Prior Blog Posts On This Subject

I wrote previously about Lance Armstrong (here, here) and Doping.

Armstrong Finally Confessed

Now so many people came out in the media to say what a miserable character Mr. Armstrong is after he confessed in public having taken performance enhancing drugs etc.

A Pyrrhic Victory By The Anti Doping Zealots

To summarize what I have written before the Anti Doping Crusaders had zeroed in and targeted this superstar of bicycling for many years. They were out there to set an example. Given the presumed widespread use of doping in professional bicycling and being targeted by anti doping zealots, I kind of understand Mr. Armstrong’s position of denial.

Anti Doping Is A Grand Delusion

Like Prohibition! Humans have always tried to improve their performance by whatever means in order to achieve their goals or to be more competitive. Humans don’t take it well when they are being told to change their lives by an authority.

We expect professional athletes to be flawless role models. We expect them to compete pure and untainted like Adam and Eve. We idealize them like the Noble Savage.

What Is Wrong With Doping?

Provocatively, I would say nothing as long as performance enhancing is done voluntary and by mutual consent of adults under the rule of law.

We all may very well one day benefit when athletes reasonably experiment with performance enhancement.

Human Bodies & Brains Will Go Far Beyond Biological Evolution

I expect tremendous changes coming to the human body and brain beginning in a few years as we continue our journey of unprecedented exponential scientific and technological advances. Human bodies and brains will soon be unrecognizable compared to what nature and biological evolution provided in the past.

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