Monday, September 17, 2012

HSTEM Instead Of STEM Or History Is Indispensable

True Human Progress

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It’s all the rage in the Western World, because too few are willing to study it so they say with negative consequences for future competitiveness and technological progress.

HSTEM stands for History, STEM. One should not relegate history to be a pure elective when studying STEM. It ought to be a requirement to be offered and promoted.

Why History?

History is the glue to understand how these fields have developed over time and to understand how much they have in common. It is critical to understand that science and engineering are fields that require constant trial and error and that there is no gain without taking risks. It is also critical to understand that government should not and cannot control or steer the outcomes of science.

History helps to understand how concepts have evolved over time. I would venture to say that mathematics becomes much more interesting or fascinating if you see how it has evolved over time and around the world.

The history of science is littered with human follies and hubris. Many once great theories promoted by the greatest minds of their time ended up in the dustbin of history. This ought to be a humbling experience. As king Solomon said so presciently in Ecclesiastes almost 3,000 years ago “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.”. E.g., the current Global Warming hysteria stoked by hundreds of so called scientists is such a folly.

It is my sincere conviction that if we all were better educated in the history of STEM we would not so easily be fooled and taken for an expensive ride by self-professed scientific doomsayers and their fellow traveling politicians.

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