Friday, August 30, 2013

Germany's Government Refuses To Intervene In Syria

Germany Needs To Accept More 
Responsibility In This World

The German weekly magazine “Der Spiegel” reported today (in German language; 8/30/2013) that chancellor Merkel and the foreign minister Westerwelle declared that Germany would not participate in a military action against Syria. This is an irresponsible dereliction of duty.

Merkel is an awful opportunistic politician with an eye on the upcoming general elections in September. Westerwelle looks like a wimp and probably is a wimp.

The main contender of chancellor Merkel in the general elections, Mr. Peer Steinbrück of the Social Democrats (SPD) has been quoted as saying “100 Stunden Verhandlungen sind besser als eine Minute Schießen." (100 hours of negotiations are better than one minute of gun fire). The naiveté of this man is incredible!

Not only has Germany been disarming for decades in an irresponsible manner, its government thinks that diplomacy and negotiations are the prerogative.

A Country That Was Not Long Ago Liberated From A Bloody Dictator

A country like Germany has an obligation to humanity to do more in the face of dictators such as the one ruling over Syria. The Stalinist dictatorship in Syria has been running this country for about three decades now. Mr. Assad looks like psychopath to me. His father was at least smart and cunning.

This planet has become way too small to tolerate or allow ruthless dictators to use weapons prohibited under the Geneva Protocol (Syria is a signatory) to be indiscriminately applied against their own population.

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